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Security Consulting & Training For Families & Organizations

Preparing you for the unthinkable confrontation

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PROGRAMS        Principals        Mike Spray        Jason Wickam

MISSION:  The mission of Crisis Prevention And Training Services, LLC (CPATS) is to serve as a security resource for individuals, families, and other organizations such as businesses, churches or para-church ministries.


Crisis Prevention means preparation to eliminate as much trauma as possible to you and your organization (or family) in the event of an emergency. 


BACKGROUND:  Over the last few years, numerous businesses, schools, churches, and ministries have been victimized by armed attackers, often with significant loss of life.  In late 2007, a single deranged individual attacked a ministry training center in Colorado, killing two and wounding several more.  Less than 14 hours later, he killed two sisters and seriously wounded their father in the parking lot of a church of several thousand members.  Had he not been shot and disabled by an armed volunteer security team member after he entered the church, it is conceivable that the number of additional deaths would have been staggering.  In the years since, national news has reported on attacks in churches from coast to coast.


We acknowledge that such incidents are still rare and unpredictable, and that we shouldn’t live our lives in fear.  However, wise preparation and leadership may itself be enough to thwart a predator’s attack. (see Nehemiah 4:14-18).  Our goal, therefore, is to be a source of support to our clients and have them rest in the confidence that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to act quickly if the “unthinkable” happens.  Doing nothing should not be an option. 



We offer the NRA Basic Handgun course coupled with a discussion of Colorado’s concealed-carry weapon (CCW) statute.  This course will qualify students who are legally-eligible to apply for a CCW permit through their county sheriff.


We offer a varied menu of security services and resources geared specifically to our clients’ facilities, needs, and philosophies.  These services can include site surveys, vulnerability assessments, remediation plans, emergency response plans, and so on.  CPATS team members can also assist with the development of security teams, position descriptions, security team training, communications systems (from simple to elegant).  As necessary, CPATS can also refer the client to appropriate vendors for services that are outside our scope (alarm and/or surveillance systems, access-control systems, non-lethal team training, etc.).

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 James Michael (“Mike”) Spray

Mike currently leads the Security Team at Church of The Rock (“The Rock, Real Community”), where he serves in his official capacity as the Facility Manager.  As the team leader, he schedules and directs the team of almost 40 volunteers who provide concealed-carry armed security for all three weekend services, regularly-scheduled evening programs, and high-visibility special events.  He vets new members and also schedules and documents team training sessions.  Mike leads the team by example, and typically serves during at least two of the weekend services, all special events, and attends or conducts all team training sessions.

The Rock’s security team was created in response to the Dec 2007 shootings at Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Arvada, CO, and New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO.  There was no existing framework to build upon, so Mike wrote and compiled materials to create the church’s Emergency Response Plan from scratch.  With the support of church leadership he has sought out and purchased supplemental training materials from other successful programs and contracted for team training in non-lethal security techniques, as well as intense, professional firearms training.

Mike has drawn extensively on his experience as an Air Force communications officer to upgrade the team’s radio communications system, including the acquisition and licensing of new radio handsets and accessories.  He also defined the requirements for an upgrade to The Rock’s access control and video surveillance & monitoring systems, selected the winning vendor, and worked closely with the vendor through complete system installation and activation.

Mike is a Distinguished Graduate of the Four-Day Defensive Handgun course given at the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, Pahrump, NV, and is a lifetime member at Front Sight.  He is NRA-certified as both a Basic Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer, is a member of the NRA and its state affiliate, the Colorado Shooting Sports Association.  He is licensed for concealed-carry by both Colorado and Utah, and is CPR/AED certified.

Mike is a graduate of the US Air Force Academy (B.S., Management/Business Administration) and earned his M.S., Systems Management degree from the University of Southern California.

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Jason Scott Wickam

Jason is an active member of The Rock’s security team who has extensive business experience as well as service in both emergency medical service and law enforcement.  As a results-oriented senior operating executive, he was recognized as a “change agent” with the documented ability to lead re-engineering activities as well as start-up and turn-around efforts, drive operational growth, and maximize business opportunities while ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in the complex Southern California custom construction & development market.

Jason spent several years as a Paramedic/EMT, OCFA, and a Trauma Technician with the St Joseph Hospital in Orange, CA, and then transitioned to law enforcement with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.  There he performed all duties expected of him in a variety of assignments including training with the SWAT Team as a Tactical Medic.  In his years with the Orange County Sheriff, he continued his development in advanced combat firearms training through private instruction (achieving master-level certifications), and trained in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). 

Jason has been accepted by the Denver Police Department, and will attend their Academy soon, so in many ways he is returning to his “first love.” Jason brings CPATS the benefits of his advanced training tempered with “real life” experience in diverse environments.  

Jason is Expert-Level certified by the FBI Handgun Course (graduated with honors); Expert-Level certified in Handgun, Carbine and Shotgun by On Target; and is NRA-certified as a Basic Pistol Instructor.  He is PADI-certified as a Dive Master and Master Diver; AMA, & SCORE certified as an Advanced Off-Road, All-Terrain Vehicle Expert; and SCPBA certified as a High Speed Boat Captain (Driver and Throttle Man).

Jason is a graduate of the Orange County Fire Academy, Orange County Sheriff’s Department Academy, EMT-1A –P   Trauma Technician NORP, Cal State Fullerton (Bachelor of Science), and California State Licensed General Contractor, (Route County Colorado ). 

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